e-Petition for Protection of Bushland at Erindale Road

Say NO to the clearing of rare, remnant native bushland in Hamersley!

Erindale Road Bushland is the largest remaining area of native Banksia, Jarrah and Tuart woodland in the highly urbanised suburb of Hamersley. The bushland provides a vital ecological link and habitat for wildlife including the endangered Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo.

It also provides much needed tree canopy, helping to cool temperatures in Hamersley and surrounding suburbs, and reducing the pollution impacts of traffic from the busy surrounding roads.

We’re working to protect this remnant bushland from being cleared for development.

Help us protect Erindale Road Bushland.

Add your name to our petition to the Legislative Council of the Parliament of Western Australia asking that urgent action be taken to protect the bushland. You can read and sign our petition by clicking on the link below:

e-Petition for Protection of Bushland at Erindale Road Hamersley

 We hope that you can spread the word about our petition to family, friends and neighbours to help us collect more signatures. We are grateful for your support.